The Extended Macros App has been designed to solve simple yet meaningful problems by adding additional actions for you macros, including the following feature requests raised by many members of the Zendesk community over the years:
- Adding non-agent CCs in Macros
- Setting requester with a macro
- Add "Share Ticket" as an available action for Macros
- Update Outbound Email Address using macros
- Binding tickets to incidents and problems using macros
This app allows for the creation of macros that can perform additional actions beyond what macros can do by default, including the following:
- Adding a CC to a ticket
- Removing a CC on a ticket
- Removing all CCs on a ticket
- Changing the ticket requester
- Sharing a ticket to another Zendesk account
- Changing the Outbound Email address (recipient address)
- Setting the linked problem ticket ID of an incident ticket
- Updating the Skills on a ticket
- Updating custom fields, including text, multi-line, Credit Card, Number, Decimal, Date, Lookup, and Regex
- Setting the custom status field
- Adding a due date
- Changing the ticket organization
- Checking if a ticket was sent from a user's secondary email address
- Making a user's secondary email address into the primary email address
- Use Custom Placeholder for user phone numbers
All of these actions are accomplished by one of two mechanisms: relying on a custom Zendesk tag added via the 'add tags' Macro Action, or using the comment field via the 'Comment/Description' Macro action.
Installation Instructions
Step 1: Install the app from the marketplace here.
Step 2: Use the default configurations for the required tag prefixes, or set your own custom values (not recommended), for CC, Requester, Recipient, Problem ID, Sharing Agreement, Skills, Custom Fields, Custom Status, Due Date, Organization, and Email Tag Placeholders**. Optionally enable the features to automatically check and switch a user's primary email address if a ticket was sent in from a user's secondary email address. See screenshot below of the app settings page.
Step 3: Choose whether to keep the tag on the ticket or remove it after adding the email address to CC or updating requester (remove is recommended and the default).
Step 4: Complete Installation
Step 5: Build your macros - See below for instructions on each macro type: CC, Requester, Outbound (Recipient) Email Address, Sharing Agreement, Probelm Ticket Id, Skills, Custom Fields, Custom Status, Due Date, Ticket Organization, and Primary Email Address.
Step 6: Use your macros - Just click on your macro in the interface and the app will automatically read the tags and update the corresponding fields. Save the ticket like normal when you are done.
Add CC:
For any macros that you want to add a CC, use the Add tags action as seen below. Email addresses will need to follow a specific format as there are certain symbols not allowed in tags. Example:
Remove CC:
For any macros that you want to remove a CC, use the Add tags action as seen below. Email addresses will need to follow a specific format as there are certain symbols not allowed in tags. Example:
Remove All CCs:
For any macros that you want to remove all CCs, use the Add tags action as seen below. Example: remove_all_ccs.
Set Requester:
For any macros that you want to add a Requester, use the Add tags action as seen below. First you'll need to located the requester's ID* in Zendesk, and then it will need to follow a specific format as shown below. Example: requester:372897507952.
* To find the requester's ID, do a search in Zendesk to locate the profile, and then look for the ID in the URL of that user's page.
Share Ticket:
For any macros that you want to share a ticket, use the Add tags action as seen below. Sharing requires obtaining the ID of the sharing agreement address, which can be found following the steps below. Example: sharing:360000053691.
1. Go to Admin Center > Objects and rules > Tickets > Settings > Ticket Sharing
2. Find the ticket sharing agreement under Sending agreements and right click on the view button to open the agreement in a new tab.
3. In the URL of the new tab you can find the ID
Update Outbound (Recipient) Email Address:
For any macros that you want to change the Outbound (aka Recipient) Email Address, use the Add tags action as seen below. Email addresses will need to follow a specific format as there are certain symbols not allowed in tags. Example:
Please note that the email address must match an existing support address already set up in the Email channels page.
Set Linked Problem Ticket ID:
For any macros that you want to link a problem ticket, use the Add tags action as seen below. Because Problem Tickets can only be linked to incident tickets, the app will automatically change the ticket to an incident type. Example: problemid:56.
Update Skills:
For any macros that you want to add a skill, use the Add tags action as seen below. Updating Skills requires using a combination of the name of the Skill Attribute and Skill Value. Please see below for more detail. Example skill:language::chinese.
* Due to a limitation in the Zendesk Apps Frameworks, skills can not be updated in the UI. Instead, they are updated via the Zendesk API, skipping the step where an agent submits the update. In addition, the UI will not reflect the update until the ticket is reloaded. Instead, a notification message is displayed indicating the update, and also the update of skills is recorded in the tickets event log.
Set Custom Field:
For any macros that you want to set a custom field, use the Comment/Desciption action as seen below. Updating Custom Fields requires using a special syntax to surround the value and finding the ID of the custom field to be updated. Please see below for more details about the different field types. Example %%%custom_field:360021333651:Backend IP Address%%%.
- Date fields must have the date set in the YYYY-MM-DD format in order to work.
- Regex and credit card fields must still follow the validation rules. This app will not perform the validation.
- Numeric and Decimal fields must have valid input in order to work.
- Lookup Fields have the following notes and requirements.
- The field appears to not be 100% supported by Zendesk Apps Framework, and so it may stop working at any time. We have been able to set these fields correctly, but there is an error produced by Zendesk that is concerning. Please feel free to use for Lookup Fields, but do be aware of the caveats.
- User Lookup fields require using the ID of the user to be set. Please see the section about setting the requester in order to find the user's ID.
- Organization Lookup fields require using the ID of the organization to be set. Please see the section about setting the ticket organization in order to find the organization's ID.
- Ticket Lookup fields require using the ID of the ticket to be set. Please search for the ticket and use its ID.
- Custom Object Lookup fields require using the ID of the custom object to be set. Please see below about about finding the object's ID.
- In the Agent Interface click on the custom objects tab.
- Select the object type and then click on the name of the object.
3. Copy the ID of the object from the URL
Update Custom Status:
For any macros that you want to update a custom status, use the Add tags action as seen below. Updating Custom Status requires using the ID of the custom status, which can be found on the custom status page in Zendesk. Please see below for more detail. Example skill:language::chinese.
1. Go to Admin Center > Objects and rules > Tickets > Ticket statuses
2. Click on the Edit button located in the three dot menu on the right side of the custom status you would like to add.
3. Copy the ID located in the header section of the status page that opens up.
Set Due Date:
For any macros that you want to set a due date, use the Add tags action as seen below. Because Due Dates can only be set on task tickets, the app will automatically change the ticket to a task type. Setting the due date also requires formatting the date correctly. Please see below for more detail. Example due_date:2024/12/31.
Set Ticket Organization:
For any macros that you want to set the ticket Organization, use the Add tags action as seen below. First you'll need to located the ticket requester's Organization ID* in Zendesk, and then it will need to follow a specific format as shown below. Example: organization:360740020772.
* To find the requester's organization ID, do a search in Zendesk to locate the organization profile, and then look for the ID in the URL of that organization's page.
** Due to a limitation in the Zendesk Apps Frameworks, ticket organization can not be updated in the UI. Instead, it is updated via the Zendesk API, skipping the step where an agent submits the update. The UI should reflect the update immediately and the change is recorded in the tickets event log.
Make Requester's Secondary Email Address into Primary Email Address:
Zendesk has a system functionality that has caused problems for a great deal of user's. Emails cannot be sent to a user's secondary email address. If an email is received from a user's secondary email address, notifications will still be sent to the primary email address of the user. You can read more about this limitation here.
In order to help resolve this limitation, we have added the ability for a macro to quickly change the primary address on a user profile into the one that the user sent a ticket in from. In practice, this means that if you identify a ticket came in from a user's secondary email address, you can use the macro to quickly make the switch. For any macros that should make the switch, use the add tags action as seen below. Example make_primary_email.
We have also added a setting, which is disabled by default, that will show an in-product notification if a user's primary email address does not match the one from which a new ticket was created. This will make it easier to identify those cases and know when to optionally apply the macro. Lastly, there is a feature that will automatically make the update if enabled.
Use Custom Placeholder for Displaying all of a Requester's Phone Numbers:
Zendesk support placeholders only has a placeholder for a user's primary phone number, so if a user has mulitple phone numbers they will not be displayed.
In order to help resolve this limitation, we have added the ability for a macro to add multiple user phone numbers into the ticket comment. For any macros that should display the numbers, use the Comment/description action and include the custom placeholder syntax as seen below. Example @@@ticket.requester.phones@@@.
Common use cases:
- External Account Managers need to be kept in the loop regarding their account's tickets. Rather than needing to remember every AM email address, program it into the Macro CCs App directly and then just add the CC as part of your macro.
- CC non-agent staff members, managers, HR, or other relevant parties.
- Make it easy to set the requester of an existing or new ticket without having to remember the email address.
- Share tickets with other Zendesk accounts via Macro quick actions
- Easily set the outbound email address (recipient address) that email notifications are sent from
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